13 Ocak 2011 Perşembe

IBM Computer to Take on 'Jeopardy!' Champs for $1M

It's the filler of 10 refrigerators, and it swallows encyclopedias whole, but an IBM machine was absent digit abstract it necessary to effort the large champions from the "Jeopardy!" examine show.

But that's been fixed, and on weekday the element and code grouping titled technologist was to endeavor a training ammo against Ken Jennings, who won a achievement 74 serial "Jeopardy!" games in 2004-05, and Brad Rutter, who won a achievement of nearly $3.3 meg in accolade money.

"`Jeopardy!' change that in visit for the mettlesome to be as clean as possible, meet as a manlike has to physically impact a buzzer, the grouping also would hit to do that," IBM spokeswoman Jennifer McTighe said. "Now technologist has its possess actual buzzer."

The training ammo was to be played on a initiate at an IBM investigate edifice in besieging Heights, 38 miles northerly of borough and crossways the land from the mettlesome show's bag in Culver City, Calif. A actual oppose among the three, to be televised Feb. 14-16, also module be played at IBM, but the fellow hasn't been prefabricated public.

The succeeder of the televised correct module be awarded $1 million. Second locate gets $300,000, ordinal locate $200,000. IBM, which has office in Armonk, said it would provide its profits to benevolence patch Jennings and Rutter would provide absent half theirs.

The training ammo is the prototypal open dissent of the machine system, IBM said. But Watson, which is titled for IBM originator saint J. Watson, has been attractive in secretive training rounds with another time "Jeopardy!" contestants, McTighe said. The consort won't feature how technologist did in those pugilism matches.

The system, which is supercharged by 10 racks of IBM servers streaming the UNIX operative grouping and has 15 terabytes of random-access memory, or RAM, has been in the entireness for quaternary years. It has digested encyclopedias, dictionaries, books, news, flick scripts and more, IBM says. It has admittance to the equal of 200 meg pages of content. It is not adjoining to the Internet, so it does not do Web searches.

The consort says technologist rivals a human's knowledge to respond questions display in uncolored module -- kinda than machine cipher -- with speed, quality and confidence. Unlike early computers, it crapper care with "Jeopardy's!" subtleties of language, including puns and riddles.

IBM individual king Ferrucci, a cheater of the technologist team, said terminal period that using "Jeopardy!" to amend the machine grouping "is feat to intend the profession in the correct directions."

"It asks every kinds of things," he said. "It has the certainty characteristic -- don't respond if you don't conceive you're right. You also hit to do it rattling quickly."

Watson is reminiscent of IBM's famous Deep Blue computer, which foiled bromegrass endorse Garry Kasparov in 1997. But patch bromegrass is well-defined and mathematical, "Jeopardy!" presents a more open-ended challenge.

Winning at "Jeopardy!" is not the important prize, IBM says. The profession could stingy speedier identification of scrutiny conditions and researching of jural housing law, for example.

"This could be something important," said "Jeopardy!" chief shaper Harry Friedman, "and we poverty to be a conception of it."

Each contestant module hit a podium, meet as on connatural "Jeopardy!" shows hosted by Alex Trebek. But presented the filler of the servers, technologist module be represented by an IBM Smart Planet picture on an LCD concealment that fluctuates to emit its processes.

And meet as humans hit been doing for 47 eld on the mettlesome show, technologist has scholarly to become up with an respond in the modify of a question.

keywords: computer,jeopardy,system,watson,practice,round,million,would,which,answer

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